Meet the Team

Dee Korab - Founder

Dee Korab founded Sparkd with the objective of redirecting capital towards funding climate transition at scale. She acknowledges the climate funding gap requires new and innovative solutions, approaches and thinking that might not always be available in organisations. If left unaddressed, this gap poses a major risk to organisations and society more broadly. However, if addressed properly, it presents a huge commercial opportunity.

Dee is a sustainable banking advisor and property finance specialist with 10 years of global experience in corporate and institutional banking at HSBC, National Australia Bank and ANZ Banking Corporation. Most recently, Dee was a Director in the London Real Estate Finance team at HSBC. Outside of front-line banking, she has also led credit teams and coordinated bank-wide projects over her career with experience in originating and structuring loans in Australia, the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom, where she is currently based.

Dee holds two bachelor's degrees in Economics and International Studies from Monash University and Certificates in Green and Sustainable Finance and Climate Risk from the Chartered Banker Institute.

She was a finalist and the audience prize winner for the Chartered Banker Young Banker of the Year in 2022 for her industry proposal on financing the transition of commercial real estate.

Dee is currently helping the Green Finance Institute develop industry-wide solutions to decarbonise commercial property and is an advisor to the board of Zero, the UK’s first climate-positive bank. She continues to advocate for and innovate sustainable financing solutions at Zinc’s Venture Builder, where she is an entrepreneur in residence.

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